TEW Games Wiki
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Welcome to Grey Dog Software Wiki. This wiki contains information on games made by Grey Dog Software, a company responsible for games such as Total Extreme Wrestling, World Of Mixed Martial Arts, Bowl Bound College Football, and more. The wiki is currently in the process of changing it's name and style. Originally meant for Total Extreme Wrestling, it will soon contain information on all games sold by Grey Dog Software. All users can contribute, meaning you don't have to log in to make an edit.

This wiki will contain information on games by Grey Dog Software.

Grey Dog Games

  • World Of Mixed Martial Arts - A series of games developed by Adam Ryland where the player is the owner or CEO of an MMA company
  • Bowl Bound College Football - A series of games developed by Arlie Rahn where the player manages a college football team
  • Fast Break College Basketball - A series of games developed by Brian Nichols where the player manages a college basketball team
  • Wrestling Spirit - A series of games developed by Adam Ryland where the player controls a wrestler's career
  • Arcadia: Guild Of Heroes
  • Comic Book Hero: The Greatest Cape
  • Imperium: Arena Of Death



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Check List (Things to Do)

  • Update and create information for all Grey Dog Software games
  • Categorize all pages
  • Add the TEW category to every TEW page